Media (Dr. Dinizulu interview on NPR about gun violence in Chicago) (ABC 7 Chicago interview with Dr. Lee about coping with stress in the age of COVID-19)
Community Outreach

Coffee, Hip Hop, and Mental Health organization. The link to the organization is here:
I first became involved in Coffee, Hip Hop, and Mental Health in 2017. CHHAMH is an organization where we meet with members of the community to talk about mental health issues that they are facing in a café setting. It’s been a great way to talk about important issues in a fun and relaxed setting, and to reach people where they live. -Emily Fraser, R.N., M.S.N.

Workforce Diversity in Eating Disorders: A Multi-Methods Study
Mathis, Anaya, Rambur, Bodell, Graham, Forney, Anam, & Wildes (2020)
In this study, we identify three key barriers to increasing diversity among Eating Disorders practitioners and make recommendations for future inquiry.