
Northshore Inpatient

Northshore Schedule


Sarita Deshpande
Victoria Ogunniyi

- MSIV Dr. Karsen's Team

Dr. Ravi Valluripalli and Dr. Hao Cheng 

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00 AM Inpatient Team Inpatient Team UC General Clinic Inpatient Team Inpatient Team
8:30 AM Inpatient Team Inpatient Team UC General Clinic Inpatient Team Inpatient Team
9:00 AM Inpatient Team Inpatient Team UC General Clinic Inpatient Team Inpatient Team
9:30 AM Inpatient Team Inpatient Team UC General Clinic Inpatient Team Inpatient Team
10:00 AM Inpatient Team Inpatient Team UC General Clinic Teaching Rounds Teaching Rounds
10:30 AM Inpatient Team Inpatient Team UC General Clinic Teaching Rounds Teaching Rounds
11:00 AM Teaching Rounds Teaching Rounds UC General Clinic Teaching Rounds Teaching Rounds
11:30 AM Teaching Rounds Teaching Rounds UC General Clinic Teaching Rounds Teaching Rounds
12:00 PM NS Clinic        
1:00-6: 00 PM NS Clinic Inpatient Team Lectures Inpatient Team Inpatient Team
  1. Clinic schedule please see email from Dr. Kumar
  2. Inpatient Team at Northshore Hospital
    For the first day on rotation please report to Evelyn Morales
    The hospital address is 2650 Ridge Ave (corner of Ridge and Central).
    Take elevator E to the 5th floor. Evelyn Morales's room, 5208, is around the corner from the elevator.
    For Northshore pagers dial 847-570-2000
    Dr. Valluripalli's pager# 630-413-2015 Dr. Hao Cheng's Pager # TBA    
  3. Residents assigned to the rotation are as follows: 
    Dr. Haleem (until 3/17) e-mail Pager 92225
    and Dr. Purks (3/18-5/8) e-mail and Pager# 92229

    Dr. Helding  (Jan/Feb) Pager#2874 e-mail
    and Dr. Mensah (March/April) e-mail  and Pager#2862

  4. Lectures
  5. Teaching Rounds